Hello there! 👋 I am

Rachel Zhang

Engineering Student | University of Waterloo


About Myself

Hi! I'm Rachel, a Nanotechnology Engineering Student at the University of Waterloo. I have a desire to build innovative technology and am driven to tackle societal issues. With a multidisciplinary background in materials science, chemistry, statistics, electrical and computer engineering, I am able to apply transferable principles across multiple fields. My diverse skill set has allowed me to leverage leading-edge opportunities in software development, data science, and innovative research. I am currently seeking full-time opportunities in data science for June 2024.
During my free time, I’m either appreciating the outdoors with a nice hike, expressing my thoughts with my favourite outlet: music, or planning my next adventure to widen my perspective. As I progress through my journey, I will continue to live each day by the great words Lord Tennyson once said: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield”.


Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Visual Basic

Design / Simulation Software

  • SolidWorks


  • Git / Github
  • Django
  • ReactJS
  • Flask
  • SQL
  • Tableau
  • TensorFlow
  • Arduino
  • Bash
  • Linux
  • Bootstrap

Where the learning happens

French Immersion

Ecole Kwantlen Park Secondary

Sept 2015 - June 2019

Nanotechnology Engineering

University of Waterloo

Sept 2019 - Present

Self-Motivated Online Learning



Let's get in touch!

Looking to hire? I'd love to discuss more about my work and involvements with you!